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What is microscopy?

Microscopy is the study of a particular area of interest through the lens of a microscope. I specialize in blood microscopy. By looking at the blood (zoomed in over 60,000x), we can study the behavior and health of the cells while they are still alive and functioning as they would in your body. This gives us unique insight of the body's function and overall health status.

Why is blood health so important?

Our blood has many jobs in our body. It contains an immune system that protects us against sickness and disease, as well as red blood cells that transport oxygen around the body and brings waste material out for elimination. Without our blood, life would not exist. The blood is a window into the status of health of our body. Through blood samples we can spot different illnesses and measure what different (and sometimes foreign) substances the blood contains.

What makes unhealthy blood, unhealthy?

Your body is able to control most functions by itself. It has evolved through thousands of years to become an amazingly complex machine! It tells you when you are hungry, it gets tired when it needs to rest and it does thousands of complex tasks every second without you even knowing about it! But...we still see that many people struggle with illness throughout their life. ​Even the most perfect machine will get affected by its surroundings. When it comes to health, I focus a big deal on the body's acidity levels (PH). The body naturally controls this balance by itself, but stress, bad dietary choices, chemicals, and sugar are some of the many things that have totally, and unfortunately, taken over our lives. This overwhelms the natural ph balance and you end up on the wrong side of the scale...too acidic. In acidic blood (and body) sickness will thrive. Fungus, bacteria, and bad cell communication are the result of this. The cells will no longer be able to communicate as they should, and healing will go slower- sometimes not even able to take affect. By looking at the blood, we are able to determine if the acidity level is too low and what problems it has caused. Get a better understanding in the video below that shows healthy vs. unhealthy blood:ell communication are the result of this. The cells will no longer be able to communicate as they should, and healing will go slower- sometimes not even able to take affect. By looking at the blood, we are able to determine if the acidity level is too low and what problems it has caused. Get a better understanding in the video below that shows healthy vs. unhealthy blood:

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How can we achieve healthier blood?

There are many ways to achieve healthier blood. It doesn't matter if there are small steps or big leaps, just as long as you start and that you start in the right direction. As mentioned above, the PH levels are important. Take control over your life and lifestyle. Stop bad habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, and stressing. Start with good habits such as incorporating healthy foods into your diet, fresh air and happiness. You can read more about my findings and what I use to get the healthiest results on the Product Recommendations page.

What happens when I analyze your blood through microscopy?

After showing you a few samples of various kinds of blood and teaching you the basics about blood cells, I will start the analysis.
After setting up my (one time use) sterile equipment, I will extract 3 -4 drops of blood from your fingertip. This will not be painful.
These drops will be placed between 2 air tight glass slides before being placed under the microscope. This is the live blood cell test. I will also perform a dried blood test from the same blood extraction. Together we will go through your blood and I will educate you in what we see. Together we will find the root of your problems and make steps to reclaim your health. I will also give you health guidance along the test

What can we look for with blood analysis?

There are many things to look for in an analysis. Here are some things we can find or figure out.

  • Fungus, candida, yeast, mold

  • Low PH balance, acidic blood

  • Bacteria and parasites in the body

  • Chemical poisoning and heavy metals

  • Fertility problems

  • Problems relating to migraines and headaches

  • Sleep problems

  • Disease; note that I'm not a medical doctor, I can help you fight your illness, but I cannot give you a diagnosis.

  • Problems with the immune system and blood cells

  • Mineral deficiency

Blood analysis appointment

Private session 1-2 hours depending on findings and recommendations:
1500 Nok / 190 USD / 160 euro

Several people together 2-3 hours:
1250 Nok /  160 USD / 130 euro

​Contact me for more information about this and bookings:

Kim Ulvberget

Location: Elverum, Norway

0047 40093322


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